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20121220-Stossel-[Good Giving].Fox Business.CF.avi
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John Stossel Fox Business Network libertarian

Dec 21, 2012


STOSSEL - [Good Giving] - Fox Business Network
2012, December 20, Thursday

Xvid/MP3 AVI - encoded from medium quality ReplayTV stream


[excerpted from John Stossel's blog:]

Americans give a lot to charitable causes--much more than people in other countries. Good for us. And now there are new ways to give:

Social impact bonds combine philanthropy and the profit motive. Goldman Sachs will spend $9.6 million to try to reduce recidivism among jailed teenagers in NYC. The program is run by the Osborne Association--David Condliffe explains that only if they successfully reduce recidivism will Goldman get back its investment, plus a return.

Many business schools now teach courses on charity. Melissa Berman from Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors instructs students in Columbia's MBA program how to identify and support effective non-profits.

Howard Husock of the Manhattan Institute explains how good charity ideas spread.

Renee Riddle's organization, Stars & Stripes Honor Flight, honors World War II veterans by taking them to their memorial in Washington, D.C. So many people have been inspired by their work, and by the documentary produced by Clay Broga, that they want to do the same for veterans of other wars.

Today we have more direct involvement in where our money goes. Premal Shah, co-founder of Kiva, shares why microloans given from his site to entrepreneurs in the developing world have a 98% repayment rate. Crowdsourcing helps creative projects, too--Phelim McAleer was able to fund his documentary in defense of fracking thanks to $200,000 put up by strangers on

I'll explain why I give my money to NYC's Student Sponsor Partners, the Central Park Conservancy, and the Doe Fund.

And in the most provocative segment, Yaron Brook of the Ayn Rand Institute argues that successful businesspeople who don't give to charity should never feel guilty about that.


I missed all my chances to pick up 20130103's episode "Freedom 2.0" to DVR lockups or setting the channel to FBN when I should've chosen FNC, or picking the timeslot off the program guide only to see that FNC put Hannity there instead. So...I missed it completely. *shame*
How about 20130110, Business of Bad News?